Man in the sea
Finito Bacalao Records 2019
Two Russians. Two Norwegians. One band. Man in the sea is the debut album of TRESKATRESK, consisting of Jakop Janssønn, Vladimir Volkov, Andrei Kondakov and Ola Asdahl Rokkones.
The four musicians first met through a silent movie project of Tromsø International Film Festival in 2015. Composing and performing a new soundtrack to the old Sovjet movie Tretya Meshchanskaya from 1927, they immediately felt a rare musical connection. After an extensive tour through Russia, they decided to continue the collaboration under the name TRESKATRESK.
In 2017 they created their most ambitious project so far: During a tour of Norway and Russia, they would compose music inspired by their last concert location, and present it at the following concert. In a subtle and curious way, this lets the audience engage in both the previous, the current, and the next concert. On this album you will hear some of the musical stories, such as the Wild Dog on the banks of Arkhangelsk, the Russian Hospital, the mysterious Architeuthis-eggs off the Norwegian coast, as well as three stories from Mo i Rana in Norway; A Promenade under the shooting stars, the story about Operation Tarmac, and the powerful Man in the sea.